Akvavit (or Aquavit from Scania) is a Swedish spirit - from the Scania area. I haven't actually been to Sweden, but this was a gift from a colleague who was posted there regularly. And it's quite nice!
It's a clear drink, with a clean, herbie / berry-like smell to it. There are various aquavits around Scandinavia and Northern Europe, with a base made from grain or potatoes, to which is added various spices for flavour / aroma. This particular brand has anise, fennel and caraway added, which would explain the fragrance. The drink is 40% proof, which will clear your sinuses! The flavour is strongly alcoholic to me (I'm a lightweight drinker, however) but you can taste the overtones of slight sweetness / anise.
You should drink Akvavit chilled (this means from the freezer in tropical Singapore!) sipped from a shot glass.
Anecdote: Strangely, a Japanese friend and I made our way through over half a bottle of this between us (with snacks, admittedly) and were happy but both mysteriously non-drunk, and non-hung-over as a result of it! It doesn't work on Asians? Is a sign of this drink's purity? Who knows! Anyway, it was a very pleasant experience. Probably even nicer if you get the chance to drink it in Sweden at one of their festivals :)