Tuesday 10 December 2019


Here's something you don't get in the tropics! But you do get them frequently in colder climates, such as the UK winter. 

Chillblains, aka Chill Burns, are itchy, sore areas which normally develop on your toes or fingers (and even ears, nose and other cold-exposed areas, apparently). They were a frequent occurrence when I was a child - especially as we spent a lot of time playing outdoors in the cold; and before Heattech and thermal socks were a thing! Usually toes become red and swollen - though there is no obvious skin damage. The damage is the effect of cold (and damp) on toe tissue - and is worsened by the human instinct to put very cold feet immediately by a hot fire or radiator! Chillblains are usually harmless, but they're uncomfortable and can last for a couple of weeks. 

So in case any of you tropical types intend to visit a cold climate this Christmas: wear good thermal socks and gloves, keep your digits dry. And if they feel like they're frozen, don't heat them quickly with something very hot! Instead try warming some socks or gloves and put those on, to gently revive your tootsies! Or just relax and let your fingers and toes thaw at room temperature :)

Happy (healthy) holidays! 

Image: old ad found on Pinterest

Also on this blog:
Short Days, Long Nights


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