Saturday 30 November 2013

Nosh of the Day: The new Ebi Burger

We're not so far from Japan in Singapore, and we get a fair number of Japanese trends here. The latest is the McDonald's Ebi (Japanese for prawn) Burger. Adding a SE Asian twist, your Singaporean Ebi Burger meal will also come with a Pisang Pie (pictured) (pisang is Malay for banana).

I'd heard the Ebi Burger was actually quite hard to find (sold out?) but I managed to purchase a single tonight. (Yay!) They had sold out of the Pisang Pie, but to be honest, I wasn't so crazy about that part.

I rather liked the Ebi Burger. It looks pretty much like its photo and the burger itself is light and crispy. There's a little mild mustard (?) inside but you might find it needs a bit of additional enhancement with some chilli sauce or ketchup. All in all, definitely worth a try, even if you're not a junk food fan!

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